History Lessons
January 27 - April 7, 2025
University Art Museum, University at Albany, New York
EXHIBITION TOUR - Saturday, Feb 1, at noon.
The exhibition blends generations and blurs time. I am showing work from the 90s— "Read My Pussy", my first large photocopy piece from my solo of the same name at Souyun Yi Gallery, NY, and "Weinpersonally Yours", my 52 week postcard project, from the Museum collection.
I'm Bad
Solo installation at Kiddie Pool, a residential project space for art and literature in downtown Albany, NY.
RECEPTION, FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 2024, 6-9 pm. The evening will also feature the improv clarinet of Kelly Loveless, jazz vocals of Julia Donnaruma, both accompanied by bassist Mike Bisio. Art installation includes work from the 1980s, as well as new Bad-Self portraits, and can be viewed through July 23, 2024.
SEE PICS HERE: https://www.judithannbraun.com/photocopy-/exhibition----i-m-bad----2024
Beyond Ritual
Judith Braun and Rowan Willigan
Millerton, NY
Sept 23 - Oct 29, 2023
Reception, followed by Pot Luck, Sept 23, 4-6 pm
"An eye popping I-AM-WOMAN-HEAR-ME-ROAR body of work that is as quiet and intimate as it is bold and in your face," --Kianga Ellis
SEE PICS HERE: https://www.judithannbraun.com/photocopy-/exhibition----beyond-ritual----2023
My Pleasure
Solo show at Opalka Gallery, Russell Sage College, Albany, NY
February 22 - April 23, 2022
TOUR & TALK - Thur, April 14, 6:30-8 pm, Free and open to public
In Their Studios - Blog
March 16, 2022
Meg Hitchcock: Conversations with Women Artists
"Diamond Dust: The Ephemeral Fingerprint Drawings 2009-2020"
Compilation of 36 "Fingerings"
Available: Print on Demand @Lulu.com